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Our low-mobility hours have been temporarily discontinued; please check back frequently and we will announce when they resume.
Thank you for your understanding.

Get Food


Distribution Hours

Mon: 3–5 p.m.
Tue, Wed & Fri: 4–5 p.m.
Thur: 5–6 p.m.
Excludes all major holidays.

Are you unsure if you or your family will have a sufficient amount of food for meals this month?
Please let us help you!

Any person or family with food insecurity is welcome!

Username: CFBIF Password: Pass!1234

Our Mission:

We are a caring and sharing community-based ministry providing assistance in relieving hunger and food insecurity in Eastern Idaho by providing emergency food to struggling families and individuals without judgment.

*Recipients can receive a full complement of food 6 times every 6 months.

*La familia pueden recibir comida 6 veces en 6 meses.

Please contact us at 208-524-0994 for more information.